The Community Solution - Community Colleges

Transfer ConnectTM is a free digital retention platform that tracks and “nudges” ADT students to universities in our partnership program. Get connected today!
Once the student enrolls, Transfer Connect evaluates student progress with every transcript refresh for an ADT (3 years) or Certificate (2 years).
In-reach professionals and University Admissions can enter the ecosystem and “nudge” students to the completion of their degree via the Transfer Connect Mobile App.
Transfer Connect aligns with the institution’s success funding formula to dramatically improve transfer rates.
The platform delivers a 100% return on investment with a 2% increase in attributable outcomes.
"Opening up the Community College Transfer Student population in Siembra is a game changer for us. By making these connections as the student enters their Community College is incredibly critical. We can then increase transfer rates activating our Transfer Agreements with our Community College partners through this virtual interface. And most importantly, helping our students land on their feet once they complete their transfer degree program."
Emily Engelschall -
Associate Vice Chancellor Enrollment Services
University of California Riverside
Empowers In-reach and Deans of Instruction with the ability to track student progress and communicate directly.
Inform students of their individual progress towards achieving their goals.
Provide a mechanism for digital communication via mobile messaging, the preferred platform of busy students.
Allows Students, Colleges and Employers to collaborate and send proactive messages based on chosen pathways and career goals.